Reflections in the Data Stream

Rereading my posts highlights one key objective: to migrate my pedagogy, teaching, and assignments into accessible, easy-to-understand online courses. I seem to have focused primarily on creating a dynamic space which appeals to all seven learning styles. To that end, I’ve tried to visualize how I can variate my activities as much as possible while also maintaining strong scaffolding and plenty of interaction (both peer and instructor). But, an undercurrent to this desire is my goal to make lessons graspable for students of all backgrounds. It is important that I find the balance between a fun, interactive, and progressive class and one that minimizes confusion and frustration. It was a bit of a jest, but as I mentioned in my first post, “I have grandiose daydreams of humble farmers in Nebraska, metropolitan business people in Chicago, lobster fishers in Maine, and tech-savvy entrepreneurs all taking an online English course of mine, commenting on each other’s posts, and coming to new and enlightening revelations about the world we all inhabit!” Perhaps this is a bit eclectic, but the theme is there: a compelling class people of all walks can enjoy and learn from. Striking the balance between dynamic and accessible is going to be a fun challenge, but I’m game!

My deepest gratitude to all of you for your thoughts, support, advice, and encouragement. This was a great experience, and I’m excited to put some of these many ideas into action!

My posts: 1. Principles for OWCourses  2. LMS and The Perplexed Instructor 3. Content Creation for the Online Class 4. Online Lesson Plan for English 100 5. The Wonderful World of Reading and Discussion