Thank you!

It is not often that we get an opportunity to play and share ideas on pedagogy and I am so very grateful for the knowledge that I have gained from each of you this semester. I am thankful for the creative, non-judgmental and wholistic space created by Curry and Jim. I have grown tremendously from the insights you all shared and my teaching tool kit is full to overflowing with new techniques, technology and approaches. I truly wish to continue the dialogue with you…even though I must admit that it was time consuming and sometimes difficult to make the deadlines. Whooohoooo! I am glad we made it to the end of this sequence. Happy summer y’all. Here are all my posts:

Post 1 – Framework 

Post 2 – Use Tech, Don’t Let it Use You

Post 3 – Video – Backward Design

Post 4 – Teaching the Writing Process – Thesis Journey

Post 5 – Print Book Need Not Fear