Joyful Tidings #7: Cultural Competency Conference

One of the most exciting developments in our flex week program over the last few years has been the work of our Academic Senate Diversity, Equity and Cultural Competency (DEqCC) committee developing cultural competency conferences to facilitate professional development in this vital knowledge and skill set.

This year’s conference includes five different sessions on a range of topics. You can read more about each session by clicking on its title. You can also learn more about DEqCC’s work by visiting the committee’s web page, particularly their resource page which includes a variety of sites and research studies / tools faculty and staff interested in diversity, equity, and cultural competence related issues may find valuable. Remember, time spent exploring these resources is flex eligible.

Cultural Competency Conference
Thursday August 17
Hosted by the Diversity Equity, and Cultural Competency (DEqCC) Committee of the Academic Senate

Keynote Address
Little Theatre

Implicit Bias Training
OC 3515

Supporting ESL Students Across the Disciplines
OC 3515

Queer and Trans People of Color (QTPOC)
OC 3515

Understanding Chican@/Latin@ Students and the Structural and Relational Barriers to their Success
OC 3515

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