Joyful Tidings #8: Double Takes

George Clooney Double Take

Double Take #1: To Joyful Teaching

If you have the chance, consider doubling back to earlier posts on Joyful Teaching to check out some of the comments from colleagues about Critical Thinking and Technology, Community and Teaching Naked.  Some very thoughtful exchanges are going on in both of these discussion threads.

You can also find collections of posts related to flex week planning and teaching and learning topics on the blog.

Remember, time spent reading and contributing to the blog is all flex eligible.

Double Take #2: To Guided Pathways

In my All Things Guided Pathways email and journal post last week, I, unforgivably and inexplicably, neglected to mention that the Guided Pathways sessions presented on Monday of flex week are also available in the afternoon on Wednesday of flex week (August 16th). Here is the roster:

Student Connections: Contextualized Learning
12 – 1 PM OC 3607 (discussion and interaction centered)

Team Up for First Year Student Success
1-2 PM OC 3607 (discussion and interaction centered)

A Student’s Journey: Pathways, Maps, and Ed. Plans
2-3 PM OC 3607 (presentation and Q and A centered)

Building Community Around Pathways
3-4 PM OC 3607 (discussion and interaction centered)

On the Dig Road Again: The Follow Up
4-5 PM OC 3607 (discussion and interaction centered)