Look at them: energetic, devoted, enthusiastic colleagues who seek nothing more than to share some big ideas with you, to shine light on the intellectual engagement of our faculty with our world.
These three courageous cultural voyagers deserve the dazzling professional virtuosity of this Chancellor’s video about Guided Pathways, the simultaneously fun and earnest explanation of the potential of the MiraCosta promise, or this charmingly droll and SNL Weekend Update style clever video about the physical transformation of our college (great work Charlie and team!).
Instead, Lynne, Billy, and Sean — all they get is this PDP donut budget financed nonsense:
Wait…so this is why we never have donuts at PDP events?
Only you can save Lynne, Billy and Sean, restore donuts to flex workshops, and put an end to this preposterous promotional parade.
If you are a faculty member, sign up for Scholarscapes right away. If we fill up all the spots, perhaps Prepostero will spare us any further promotional horrors like the one displayed here. If you are a staff member, please drop by during Scholarscapes and tell Prepostero you are sick of his nonsense (including this absurd attempt to refer to himself in the third person) or watch the live stream of Scholarscapes from your desk on Thursday and let your brilliant and engaged colleagues Lynne, Billy and Sean know that you will not let a madman come between you and the cool ideas they wish to share.
Wednesday August 16 Flex Opportunities
Speaking of having ideas they wish to share…
While today’s flex events are dominated by a big block of department centered professional development work and meetings, we still have fourteen flex workshops in the afternoon on a variety of topics: teaching and learning, student equity and success, Canvas, and Guided Pathways.
12 Noon
- Student Connections: Contextualized Learning (OC 3607)
- But I’m Too Busy To Take a Sabbatical (OC 3609)
- Reading and Writing: No ‘rthmetic (OC 3504 )
- First Year Forward (OC 3606)
1 PM
- Top 20+ Tips for Canvas (OC 4611)
- Team Up for First Year Success (OC 3607)
- AMEMSA+ Islam 101: How To Support Muslim Spartans (OC 3504)
- Got Data: We Do! Equity, Success, and Job Outcomes (OC 4803 A)
1:30 PM
- All About Student Equity (OC 3606)
2 PM
- A Student’s Journey: Pathways, Maps and Ed Plans (OC 3607)
- AMEMSA+ Student Panel (OC 3504)
3:00 PM
- Building Communities Around Pathways (Metamajors) (OC 3607)
- Financial Literacy Resources and Information (OC 3606)
4:00 PM
- On the Dig Road Again: The Follow Up (OC 3607)