Category Archives: Classroom Posts

Trying out a new routine – and rationale

Dear Families:

We have been making some observations about our daily routine in the classroom and are ready to try something new.  After observing the children and the timing of things in our classroom, we are planning to start the following:

8:45am: We all gather for a morning song and determine where to play (indoors or outdoors)

9:00am-10:00am: Indoor/outdoor free choice, small group opportunities, clean/care for environment

10:00am-10:25am: Snack

10:25am-10:40am: Large group gathering/meeting (possibly a book or project-related work)

10:40am-11:30am: Indoor/outdoor free choice, small group opportunities, clean/care for environment

11:00am: Small group in the art studio

11:30am-11:45am: Music/movement large group

We do not want to fully change the schedule until we try this out to see how it goes.  We noticed that the children at the end of the day are more focused and ready for a large group gathering.  Therefore, if we keep our morning meeting short (and right at 8:45 to maximize our main programming time), we can have a more extensive gathering mid-day.

We can’t wait to see how this goes!  Let us know if you have any questions!

-The Teachers of Room 4-

Next week’s plans

Teacher Planning Document 10-21-13

Here are our plans for next week.  We are focusing on planning parties for October 29 and 30 for our classroom.  We want to have the children come up with decoration ideas and the such.

We will also be learning a bit about police officers so that we can have some questions to ask the police officer when he visits on the 28th and 29th.

The dinosaur song and dinosaur races will be fun, too!  There are a lot of new and exciting things happening in our classroom.

Scarecrow and planning sheet for the environment

We hope you enjoy the photos of the scarecrow we made today (and the children helping make it and draw it afterwards). Here they are:
We could not have made this scarecrow without all of the donations for supplies. Thank you so much!
Tomorrow we plan to make a child-sized scarecrow to add to the garden.
We also have a new environment planning sheet we posted yesterday:
Enjoy the photos (we sure enjoyed making it)!

Environment Plans – Begins October 16

Here is our new environment planning sheet!  We hope that you enjoy seeing what the children have been doing.

Environment Planning – 10-16-13

Water Tank and Questions for the Police Officer

We are preparing for the police officer visit in our classroom.  Today we asked the children what questions they have for the police officer.  Here is what they said:

“Do you drive a police car?”

“What sounds does your police car make?”

“How does your car make sounds?”

“Does your car drive by itself?”

We also visited the water tank on campus!  This photo album shows what the water tank looked like.  It also has an image of the part of the map that shows the Child Development Center and the water tank.  They noticed the water tank on the map we have hanging in the block area, which is why we visited it!

After we returned to class, the children drew in their spiral notebooks about the walk.

There were many other great parts to our day, but these were a couple of highlights!