Category Archives: Room 4 Archived Posts (2013-2014)

Plans for the week of March 24

Thank you for reading our plans!

Environment Planning -3-24-14

Teacher Planning Document March 24

Tweet your photos of the art show to #MCCArtShow

Social Skill Development

Social Development:

The children met two new puppets this week: Moe and Zippy. Moe and Zippy act out common issues that happen in the classroom and the children help Moe and Zippy solve their problems. The children have been actively participating during the puppetry activities and have a lot of ideas about how to solve social problems. Some of the things the children have concluded so far have been:

  • It’s not nice to call someone a name. Use their real name.
  • If someone spills something, don’t laugh at them. Help them clean it up.
  • If someone takes a toy from you, tell them how you feel instead of hitting.
  • If you want someone’s toy, ask them for it.
  • You can be friends with more than one person at a time.
  • If someone feels left out, invite them to play.
  • If you want to play with someone, ask them if you can play.
  • Saying kind things makes people feel good.

These are things the children have discussed on their own. We are excited to make Moe and Zippy a part of our class.

Teacher holding two puppets with a card on her lap.

The children have also been hearing stories about social issues and have been working on some group art pieces to encourage teamwork!

Plans for Week of March 17

During the week of March 17, we have the following activities and materials planned for Room 4:

Teacher Planning Document March 17

Environment Planning -3-17-14

The children have been very interested in numbers and counting, so we will be expanding upon that interest.  We are also going to be focusing a lot on friendship skills in our small and large groups.  We have noticed that quite a few children have been exploring those skills.  We hope that you enjoy reading our plans for the week!

Plans for the week of 3-3-14

Here are our new environment and weekly planning sheets:

Environment Planning -3-3-14

Teacher Planning Document March 3

This week we have a new outdoor environment plan!

Outdoor plans 3-3-14