Medical Billing & Coding


I went back and read my post for week 4 from the last year’s work.  I, again, found the information provided in the online samples to be extremely helpful and exciting.  When I watched the sample of Sandra Dyke’s course on business computing, which was a Youtube presentation, I was amazed to find some great information to the right of her presentation.  There were some great CPT medical coding Youtube videos that I bookmarked and will be adding to my Blackboard site.

When I first started this course I was very interested in making videos to add to the course content.  However, after extensive time researching the Youtube site, I have found great videos that I can just link.  I do not have to reinvent the wheel.  I do, however, have to spend quite a bit of time swimming through the information to find a few videos that will be appropriate for my class.  I like having the option to get a few videos on the same subject so that students are introduced to the information in various ways.  I have linked the videos to weekly assignments and also have posted them in a Research section.  In this way students have two ways to find the information.

For those of you are just starting the POT CERT course I sure can relate to your overwhelming feeling.  I, too, was totally blown away by all the information available.  I assure you that you will start to get more comfortable and truly enjoy sharing all these technology tools with your students.  I had to remind myself constantly that my Blackboard site will get better as I gain more information.  My site does not have to be perfect and will only improve with time and effort.  I say this as I am repeating the course.  I have a long way to go but sure am better prepared than I was last year.   Enjoy the learn and know that all your efforts will make your students’ learning experience more engaging and memorable.

I post weekly assignments from the textbook and workbook.  In the assignment section I link Youtube videos, book publisher videos and/or powerpoint slides.  I really like the option to add a live short video in the Blackboard site now.  What an easy way to talk to your students.  Much easier than when I used Eyejot.

After viewing the TLT Group and Yavapai Community College Site, I have signed up for Faculty Focus and the TLT Group.  What a wealth of information I am now receiving weekly from Faculty Focus.
Brain Mapping

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