Medical Billing & Coding


I had a real tough time last year trying to embed videos.  After much Youtube viewing, banging my head against the wall, and watching videos from the POT CERT program, I now have a pretty good handle on embedding.  I sure can relate to the first time POT folks confusion.  I do not know why it is so hard to understand, but it sure was hard for me.  It still amazes me how much I learned last year and how much more fun it is to build content and explore new material.

The test shows I missed two  on my internet skills survey.  However, I was having trouble moving the screen down on the page and reset the answers to an incorrect choice.  So, the test shows two incorrect but I really had a perfect score.o

Thought I would include a video I show my students.  It was on TED talks and this is a shortened version of the video.  Very powerful stuff and I think great to try to introduce some physical aspects to the online experience.

Game Changer: Amy Cuddy, Power Poser

So sit up straight and spread out your wings.  Feel the power surge and go and conquer the world.



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