Medical Billing & Coding


Hello Hard Working Compatriots,

These seem to get done a bit late each week.  I wrote and deleted a student-like excuse as to why, and realized how terrible it sounded.   Had to laugh and start again.

I am learning so much about making my class more engaging and community like.  I love to teach F2F and being able to translate this into a techno world has been a bit overwhelming and exciting.  I had a chance this time around to really absorb some of the tools introduced to me last time.  Now I am not having to concentrate so much on learning the technical side of the platform  and can concentrate on application.  I have been adding these elements to my class bit by bit, and have been so happy with the ease of use.  Finally, I am starting to feel more comfortable with a solid base.

The examples from Pilar and Ralene reminded me about some important aspects I would want to add to my class.  I love the idea of a celebration at the end of class.  I like to include OnCourse information in my course now and really try to add that part of my class presentation to the online community.  A big part of what I teach are life skills, as a sidebar to medical terminology.  The main subject of medical terms will have a minor impact on their life, but the input of self-respect, self-affirmation, and self-discipline added to a class environment will have a life long impact.  I want to add more TED talks, appropriate Youtube videos, and my own videos.

I have worked this semester with Discussion Board, but note that I have not watched it close enough. In Blackboard students posted introduction info from questions I posed.  This was a graded assignment.  I found the information informative and helpful in my presentation of material.

As I become more comfortable I am creating a better website for my students.  Thanks for the great information.  See you soon.  Jo Moore


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