Medical Billing & Coding


The videos were extremely helpful.  I was reminded in Lisa’s blog to include modeling and a good rubrics.  This is a part of the presentation I have to work on.  I am glad I was able to go back and review Diigo.  I have Diigolet on my menu bar.  I had not used it recently and when I logged in for this assignment I was pleased to see the great links I had already placed in my library.  A treasure of information.

I am teaching a new class that is on the community education level.  There is no online access for the class, so my class created an email address for all of us.  I now get to use the wordpress blog I made last year outside of my supported platforms to enrich their education. And I now have a better idea of how to update the site since taking this course.  Good thing I listened last year and took your advise.  See I was listening.

Thought I would include this tutorial that my student emailed me.  I love when they explore and then I can gain and so can the entire class from their exploring.  Love technology.

Anatomy Tutorial

I can see how an experienced tech person would want to design their own site. But, as a beginner I sure love the ease of setting up a Blackboard site.  Then they made  adding media so much easier.  I would be lost if left to my own designing wanderings.  I certainly need a backbone of tools already set up for me.


Love playing with the mashup options.



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