All posts by Prepostero

Joyful Tidings #20 Conversational Synergy

While we could debate what aspects of and approaches to teaching and learning we wish to discuss as a community of teachers and learners, I hope we can all agree that the conversations themselves are essential.

Talking to each other about our teaching and learning opens us to ideas, relationships, and inspiration we can miss as we focus on our day to day work at the college. (It took me three hours to write that sentence without using the phrase “hunkered down in our silos,” which just shows how educational jargon has corrupted my very soul!).

I want to share an experience I have had with this kind of conversational synergy over the past few days.

Keep reading this amazing post

Joyful Tidings 17: Sharing First Day Ideas

Last week, I sent out a friendly email celebrating the arrival of our new students and calling on colleagues to share their ideas about first day strategies that work.

Six of them very kindly did so: dara, Rick Cassoni, Lisa Fast, Louisa Moon, Chad Tsuyuki, and Marti Klein. Thank you so much to each of you. I have included everything they shared below in this email, but in case you lose this inspiring email, you can always find it forever archived on our joyful teaching blog.

Keep reading this amazing post

Joyful Tidings #16: They’re Here! They’re Here! The Students Are Here!

Greetings Colleagues:

In this post, I ask both faculty and staff colleagues to share ideas about the first day of class — how they experienced it as a student and how they think about it as an educator. I begin by sharing  a “conversation starter” idea from a book devoted to how we begin classes.

Keep reading this amazing post

Joyful Tidings #12: Our Portable Teaching and Learning Center, A Scholarscapes Teaser, and Monday’s Flexorama!

The professional development drama continues today with the new full-time faculty continuing their orientation process and attending a reception hosted by their lodestars. Simultaneously (I know, I know, it’s simply unbelievable…)  the Guided Pathways leadership team steps out with their first round of offerings (also available Wednesday afternoon), the Canvas team continues to strut their stuff, some colleagues share teaching strategies and experiences, and a variety of cool equity and student success workshops round out a sixteen session Flexorama of a day.

PDP Canopy Disaster

Keep reading this amazing post