Category Archives: Joyful Tidings

Joyful Tidings #16: They’re Here! They’re Here! The Students Are Here!

Greetings Colleagues:

In this post, I ask both faculty and staff colleagues to share ideas about the first day of class — how they experienced it as a student and how they think about it as an educator. I begin by sharing  a “conversation starter” idea from a book devoted to how we begin classes.

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Joyful Tidings #12: Our Portable Teaching and Learning Center, A Scholarscapes Teaser, and Monday’s Flexorama!

The professional development drama continues today with the new full-time faculty continuing their orientation process and attending a reception hosted by their lodestars. Simultaneously (I know, I know, it’s simply unbelievable…)  the Guided Pathways leadership team steps out with their first round of offerings (also available Wednesday afternoon), the Canvas team continues to strut their stuff, some colleagues share teaching strategies and experiences, and a variety of cool equity and student success workshops round out a sixteen session Flexorama of a day.

PDP Canopy Disaster

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Joyful Tidings #10: All Things Equity (and Student Success)

equity matters

In this post, I offer an invitation to faculty colleagues who wish to explore equity gaps in their own classes and a list of student success and equity offerings during our coming flex week.

Equity in the Classroom: An Invitation to Fellow Explorers

The Situation

Over the past few years, I have been unhappily monitoring an equity gap for Latina/o students in the Humanities 250/251 (American Studies) sequence I teach. I find this gap particularly disappointing  because like most community college professors, I came to MiraCosta to work on addressing inequities, not perpetuating them.

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Joyful Tidings #9: Teaching Narratives, Exploring the How and Why

In this message, I wish to share with you two teaching narratives I have encountered recently as a way of advancing our professional development program’s goal of re-centering at least some of our conversations around teaching and learning.

Digital Story Feature Photo

A Humanities Narrative

Our new VP for Instruction, Diane Diekmeyer, shared with me some digital stories about faculty from her previous college. This one features Sharon Crasnow, a Norco College philosophy professor.

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